About NorCal, formerly Marin Endocrine Care & Research: Our Mission, our Motto

NorCal is a private medical research site. We have been uniquely and continuously committed to active involvement in clinical research studies since our founding in 1988. Our physicians have been principal investigators in over 150 FDA approved and IRB supervised studies at Marin Endocrine Care and Research which we now have renamed NorCal Medical research, to reflect our expanded service in Northern California. 

At NorCal we believe in equality of access to care and our mission is to provide the highest quality medical research opportunities in a supportive and safe environment. We see patients on a physician referred as well as self-referral basis. Medical insurance is not necessary for participation in clinical trials and all medical services which are part of a clinical trial are free of charge. Patients are accepted from diverse medical settings and insurers. 

Our research department is nationally respected by major pharmaceutical companies developing metabolic and other therapies, as well as new companies in medical technology and drug development. This enables our patients to participate in relevant clinical trials of the newest and most promising pharmaceuticals and therapies. “Safety, efficacy, and utility” is our research motto, and our mission is to turn “Possibilities Today” into “Treatments Tomorrow.” 

To keep in touch and stay informed about our work and our clinical trials, sign up for our monthly newsletter by clicking HERE.